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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Introducing baby Bridget! 5 days old....

   This is my very first blog. No better reason to start blogging than to share these pictures of this adorable little girl, Bridget! I met her Mom and Dad, Sandy and Eddie, when our puppies were in dog obedience class together ( Lets just say we are very serious dog owners. I didn't even know that Sandy was pregnant until a couple of weeks ago. When Sandy contacted me about a newborn session I was just so excited. 
 My newborn sessions last from 1-3 hours depending how cooperative the baby wants to be. Little Bridget is a star! She is going to be a real heart breaker. She slept through the whole thing. We left her in the basket to sleep while it took me at least another 30 minutes to repack my car.
    I can't begin to tell you how much fun I have doing these sessions. I have spent months collecting props and pulling from my own antique collection to style these shoots. I showed up to Sandy and Eddie's house with a whole car packed full of things to choose from. I looked like I might be moving in! The neighbors think you must have hired a live in nanny! Coming into a client's home to do a newborn session allows everyone to be at ease and that is what Fleur Baby and Fleur Weddings is all about. The other day, I asked my Mom (love you, Mom) to go and dig out my baby doll cradle. It is very special to me because it was made for me by my Uncle Mike and painted by my Aunt Sue. When I put Bridget in the cradle it didn't look like the scale was right. I guess my baby dolls were smaller than I assumed Bridget to be. I was glad that when I pulled the pictures up later on, I found the photographs were just right anyway! How could they not be?  Mom Sandy was to just to camera right in case the cradle rocked. Safety first!

 This is one of my favorites from the session. I never stop getting excited about being asked to take the very first photographs of the most special gift anyone could ever be given. The goal of our studio is to create heirlooms to share with the ones we love for generations to come. The thought of baby Bridget showing these photographs to her own daughter one day is some thing I hold close to my heart. There is nothing better than that.

 I am very happy for the proud parents. I have no doubt they will be even better parents to this little girl than they are to their amazing furbaby, Cotton. I am already working on my Christmas set up so we must do this again.Congratulations!

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