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Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Party of Six!

  I met parents Kelly and Paul when I shot Kelly's sister's wedding over a year ago. They are parents to three gorgeous boys Kyle, Connor and Caden and now beautiful Miss Keira!
I really adore Kelly. She has been such a great support since I have met her. I appreciate her and all her kindness towards myself and my business. Kelly and Paul REALLY like to dance....Here are some photographs from the first time I met them......


The older brothers are so proud of their little sister. Here is what the kids look like now, a year later!
 This session was just about 4 hours. Kelly was able to feed and change the baby several times. Kelly's Mom was also there and it was great seeing her again. During the down time, I tested the light and changed the position of my set up which is great. This is another sitting based on natural light, no flash. Ideally a session should last 2-4 hours so I can get in tons of outfit changes! Wraps and outfits are courtesy of  PattyCakesCreations
Kelly saw this box that I carry some of my outfit selections in and commented how much she liked it. I thought it would be a good idea to try to take some photographs of the baby inside it!

This is my favorite from the session. She looks sassy! 

I had a great time with Kelly, her Mom and the boys. We chatted and laughed about some of my amazing adventures in wedding photography. I wish this family all the best and you will be seeing Miss Keira again for her 1 year old "Cake Session" Can't wait!

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