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Sunday, April 17, 2011

The original "Fleur Baby"...

I admit it.....I didn't want her. We already had two dogs, but no one else seemed to want her either. Potty training was pure hell, but she is the best thing that really ever happened to us. I was telling my partner, Kiley, this weekend about carrying her asleep on her back into CVS when I first brought her home. I had put a bright pink puppy diaper on her. People must have thought I was crazy. I named her Fleur, after my studio, so I guess I had an idea how special she would be especially to me. I never met a bigger snuggle bug. When I am mad at her she tries so bad to get back into my good graces. It is very hard to stay mad at her. She lives in the moment, never carries a grudge and loves me unconditionally. What could be better?
I encourage anyone who can make the commitment to an unwanted animal to do so. Fleur is really so grateful to us and she shows us everyday. I am glad my husband made me take her home!

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