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Sunday, July 3, 2011

Shootin' Solo.....Cupcakes and Baseballs

 Amanda and Dave are very special to me. I have known this couple for probably around two years as Amanda and Dave had a long engagement. Last fall, I shot their engagement shoot in Baltimore, MD at Orioles Stadium. Amanda even shared her dress selection with me via text. I was so thrilled to see her in her gown months previous to the wedding. Dress selection really helps me get a sense of who the bride really is and what the wedding will be like. When a bride shares her dress and wedding details with me it lets me know she is excited about me shooting her wedding. That is the best feeling in the world! If Amanda lived closer, I know we would be great friends. She is funny, beautiful and very kind. Her family is wonderful and they even put my husband and I up a couple of nights in a hotel near the venue. I can't tell you how much I appreciated the gesture. This is the largest wedding to date that I have shot at 260 guests. The couple booked me long before my partnership with Kiley so I shot this wedding solo! This Maryland country house and estate wedding was planned down to the very last detail using Amanda's love of cupcakes and the couples passion for baseball. It was one of the most beautifully styled weddings I have ever had the pleasure of shooting. 

  Amanda is also my tallest bride. She really is as gorgeous on the inside as she is on the outside. Dave is a very lucky guy to have found her and she is very fortunate as well. Dave is a real sweetheart. I loved that their family and friends really came together to support the couple in every way possible. They wanted everything to go flawlessly for the couple....and it did!

This is certainly a wedding I will never forget. The maid of honor gave the best speech EVER and I learned how to "Dougie"! I didn't actually do the "Dougie", but if I need to I know how to now. LOL.

 I am actually a little sad that the wedding and preparation for this event is over. I am very happy for the couple though and glad we will stay in touch via facebook! 

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